Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Image Source: http://www.enwin.com/kids/images/pic.roller_coaster.jpg

What is kinetic energy, potential energy, acceleration, and gravity? How does it apply in roller coasters?

Click on this video: ROLLER COASTER

1) Is energy part of your life? Can you give examples of kinetic energy and potential energy that you already experience in your daily life?

2) If you are to invent an entertainment structure like the roller coaster, what will you make that will show kinetic and potential energy?


Unknown said...

1. Yes, energy is part of my daily life,and some examples of it is opening my mailbox and checking for mail.As I open the mailbox the motion makes kinetic energy and during that motion it soon becomes potential energy.I also jog which first is a kinetic energy when doing the motion and in the position it becomes potential energy and back again to kinetic.

2. If I was to invent some sort of entertainment structure like the roller coaster, I would make a band or some sort of strong elastic band that will a seat and be able to come back down and bounce back up. The motion of kinetic energy is done by the force of the band being let go and it changes to potential energy as it is high up in the air and changes back to kinetic energy as soon as it drops back down again.

Unknown said...

1.Yes energy is part of life.

2.If i had to invent something that crazy then i would make the seats hard and when the roller coaster is about to go down the springs under it would make it bounce

CFHsh said...

1. Yes, we all need energy to live.

2. If I was to invent something important I would invent carllocoastor. It's something that mixes up cars and the roller coaster. I think I would make more money inventing the carllocoaster.

3. The Video was very neat.

Michelle said...

1. Yes, energy is part of my life. Some examples are like when I run away from my dogs, I sprint and then it is kinetic energy, when I start jogging, it become potential energy.

2. If I could mae a entertainment structure like the roller coaster, I would make a ferris wheel that was connected to a roller coaster, that way, you would be spinning and riding a roller coaster at the same time. When you drop down, the kinetic energy is done and when you spin while going up, potential energy starts.

Anonymous said...

1.If I did not have any energy I can't walk nor run a mile-run.I can't kick a soccerball then
without energy.


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

1 Energy is part of my daily life. I usually use the computer, lights, I swim and I do some running. An example is when I run on a hill, when I go up I build energy and then that energy is used when I go down because that energy makes me go so fast that I have to lean back in order not to fall down.

2 If I were going to invent something, I would make something like a car that could run on a different sort of power. My car would only use a very small amount when going up or around, then when going down, the car would not use power because of the energy used to go up, like when running. Or, I would connect a roller coaster to a ferris wheel so the force of the roller coaster would pull the ferris wheel.

annika said...

Yes I use energy everyday.when I walk down a hill I can fell rushing through my face like a rollercoaster. I can gather the energy by walking uo and release it by going down.

I could make a roller coaster, I would try to use rubber instead of steel becuse it might help us gather the kinetic energy and make the potential energy stronger.

Unknown said...

Yes, energy is part of my daily life. One example is when I eat breakfast. When I sit down, there is potential energy, and when I eat, it turns into kinetic energy. Another example was when I was trying to swat a giant fly. First I was alert which is potential energy, but when I swat the fly, I use kinetic energy.

If I were to invent an entertainment structure like the roller coaster, I would make a levitation bouncehouse room. You would levitate which is like potential energy before you jump or bounce high into the air, which is kinetic energy. You wouldn't even touch the ground if you do tricks in the air and mess up because you would levitate and go back to having potential energy.

gordon said...
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Unknown said...

yes energy is definently apart of my daily life. I do a lot of races and urban adventures on the weekend. By doing all of that stuff i use the energy when i do the motion.

If i was to invent something as crazy as the rollercoaster i would an underwater crazy adeventure that would super fast. When it is underwater it would use all of its energy to go down and a little to go up.

Tauseef said...

1. Yes,energy is part of my daily life. For example... running.

2. If i could invent a entertainment structure, i could make the magicacoaster. its a combination of magic logs and roller coaster parts. The logs is to make kinectic energy and potential energy.

gordon said...
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Annie O. said...

Yes, energy is part of my daily life. For example, sitting down is potential energy and doing sports are motions so it is kinetic energy.

If I was to make an entertainment structure like the roller coaster, it would be a roller coaster but on a water slide. All movement done will be kinetic energy. The potential energy will be the position of this ride.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

1) One example of poitential energy is climbing stairs.
An example of kenetic energy is falling.

Donna惄 said...

1.)Yes, energy is part of my daily life,and some examples of kinetic energy and potential energy,is when i play with my brother while playing with my brother,its a kinetic energy,but when i rest and sit down,its a potential energy.

2.)If I was to invent some sort of entertainment structure like the roller coaster,i would invent a pirate ship that can go really high so when it goes up it would gather kinetic energy, and when its at the middle while pausing it becomes potential energy.

Hayley Ko said...

1) Yes, energy is part of my life. Everyday we use energy, running up on a steep hill,and typing this blog.

2) I would invent something like a ride that drops then goes up higher then drops down then goes up higher then drops down etc. When it goes up it is potential energy. When it goes down it is kinetic energy.

~hayley ko (-:=3~

Anonymous said...

Matthew M

1.Energy is part of my daily life like when I am walking and stopping when I stop I have kinetic energy and when I go I release that energy. It also happens when I am in a car when on stop the energy from the engine is kinetic energy and when we are go the car uses potential energy.

2. I would invent a helicopter coaster that would connect a unmanned helicopter to pull up the roller coaster cart with a long stretchy string of course the string would have to be extra long or the helicopter would be pulled along with the roller coaster.

Rock said...

Yes energy a is a part of my daily life and it is very important to me. An example of kinetic energy is when you drop a ball and when it comes up, an example of potential energy is when you are holding the ball and when it touches the ground and stops very fast.

If I were to invent like a rollercoaster I would make the potencial energy while it is going down it wil stop then it will go again until the end of the ride. The kinetic energy is when it reaches the top of the rollercoaster then it will slow down.

Anonymous said...

Of course energy is part of my daily life. when i swim im using kinetic and potential energy because when i move in the water im useing kinetic energy and while im stopping to take a breather im using potential energy.
A roller coaster uses kinetic and potenial energy.When a roller coaster is moving on the track at a fast rate its using kinetic energy because it moving. and when it stops its using potential energy. gravity pulls the roller coaster downwards when its going down a drop. roller costers go very fast by using an energy called acceleration. every vehical, human being,or object uses a different type of energy to funtion its self properly.

gordon said...

Energy is important because without energy helps us to move. Without energy we won't be able to kick the ball,and then the other team strikes. Golie!!! No!!!

Unknown said...

1. Yes. I use potential energy when I am sitting down, and kinetic when I am running.

2. I would make underwater roller coaster so when it goes up, its potential energy and when it goes up, its kinetic energy.

Anonymous said...

(1)Yes,energy is part of my life. I use potential energy and kenetic energy when I play baseball I hold in or store in when I am holding the ball and then when I throw the ball I release energy.

(2)I would invent a entertaintment structure that you get in this ball and a giant baseball player throws you. You can expirience what a baseball ball feels.

Unknown said...

1) Energy is part of my daily life because I run in P.E. (Physical Education). At the bleachers I have potential energy stored in me befor I run. When I am running I have kenetic energy in me.

2) If I invented something for entertainment such as a roller coaster showing potential energy and kenetic enery I would make the Thrill Slide! First a chair will carry you up to the top of the slide (the chair has a seatbelt of course) and while at the top of the slide you would have potential energy and when the chair goes down it shows kenetic energy. This ride would keep going and if you looked at it from a side view it would look like a line with a whole bunch of bumps.

Unknown said...

1) Energy is part of my daily life because I run in P.E. (Physical Education). At the bleachers I have potential energy stored in me befor I run. When I am running I have kenetic energy in me.

2) If I invented something for entertainment such as a roller coaster showing potential energy and kenetic enery I would make the Thrill Slide! First a chair will carry you up to the top of the slide (the chair has a seatbelt of course) and while at the top of the slide you would have potential energy and when the chair goes down it shows kenetic energy. This ride would keep going and if you looked at it from a side view it would look like a line with a whole bunch of bumps.

Unknown said...


Yes, energy is a big part of my life! I'll need energy to play sports such as...soccer! You have to use energy to pass, kick, shoot, and other soccer things.


If I was to invent an entertaining ride, then it will be like a rollercoaster, but not just a rollercoaster. You have to stand up and there is like locks that will hold you if you are about fall.

Unknown said...

yes energy is part of our daily lives. Every day i eat and then i use that energy to do sports like soccor,basketball,and other things that is an example of energy.
#2 if i had to invent something i would invent a new rolar coaster
it would go up,up,up and it would be on a big,big weel that spins the whole time then it would go down

Unknown said...

1.yes kinetic energy is important in your life.If you don't have energy you wont be able to blog so this could not be possible without energy

2.I would make a ride that is like a big huge sling shot and it will pull you you back.So the kinetic energy will be when you are shot into the air and the potential energy will be before you get shot into the air and when you first get pulled back.<(-_-)>bye!

Unknown said...

ergy is an important part of your life.Some examples are like when you hold something in the air,it has potential energy and when you throw the object on the floor,it has kinetic energy.

Iwould invent something i would invent a slide that goes down super fast.

Unknown said...

energy is an important part of your life.Some examples are like when you hold something in the air,it has potential energy and when you throw the object on the floor it has kinetic energy.

I would invent something i would invent a slide that goes down super fast.

Von said...

1. yes energy is part of my life because every movement I make is energy even typing this blog!And a example of Mechanical energy in the category of kinetic energy is when I woke up today and washed my face the flow of water is a example of kinetic energy and also another example of elastic potential energy in the category of potential energy is a stretched rubber band because elastic potential energy is in anything that can be formed in to a shape but only if it has the ability to restore into its original shape!

2.In the mantis roller coaster people were standing on the roller coaster but if I add springs on the bottom of the roller coaster then when it gets a bump then the people would get bounced up in the air with the seat belt on of coarse so kinetic energy is being done!

Unknown said...

1. Yes, energy is part of my daily life.The example is that when we are bouncing the ball, if we are holding the ball and this is potential energy, and when it goes down to the ground, that is kinetic energy, and when it touches the ground, that little moment is potential energy, and it goes up which is bouncing, it goes back to kinetic energy.

2. If I am to invent an entertainment structure like the roller coaster,i will invent something that goes up and down like bouncing or jumping which has kinetic energy and potential energy like roller coaster.