Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Image Source: http://www.enwin.com/kids/images/pic.roller_coaster.jpg

What is kinetic energy, potential energy, acceleration, and gravity? How does it apply in roller coasters?

Click on this video: ROLLER COASTER

1) Is energy part of your life? Can you give examples of kinetic energy and potential energy that you already experience in your daily life?

2) If you are to invent an entertainment structure like the roller coaster, what will you make that will show kinetic and potential energy?


Image Source: http://www.germes-online.com/direct/dbimage/50261372/Stainless_Steel_Tube_Fittings.jpg

Steel is an alloy (combination of iron and carbon elements). This is an alloy that had been in used in so many ways that benefit a lot of people.

Click this for video: STEEL

1) Imagine a world without tall buildings, without long bridges or cars. Can you imagine the world without steel? How important is steel for you?

2) If you have the skill to combine elements, what alloy are you making? What are its characteristics and uses? How can you use it to help other people?

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Image Source: http://www.salem-news.com/stimg/october152007/nuclear-bomb-badger350.jpg

It is amazing how so much comes from so little - the splitting of atoms from uranium and plutonium can release an enormous amount of energy. Some people used this in making the Atomic Bomb which caused so much destruction and death to so many places and people.

1) What can you do to make the study of atoms benefit many people?

2) How would you prevent bad people from doing the same mistake again?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Image Source: http://ds9.ssl.berkeley.edu/lws_gems/6/images_6/sun_350.jpg

Kindly watch our Science Website: Video Clip - The Sun's Features and study the parts of the sun.

What can you say about the features of the sun?
Why do you think that the sun is made like that?

Monday, February 2, 2009


Hello St. John's School 5th Graders!

Welcome to our Grade 5 Science Blog. This will be used as a place to share your ideas about Science. I welcome your comments.

Please make sure your comments do not have wrong spelling and wrong grammar. Your blogs should not contain "text-language".

Thank you!'

Mr. B